Clinic Participation

Participants will be needed for some clinics, but as we are still building our clinician staff we don’t know who needs what yet. Keep checking back to find out who you might want to ride with.

If you would like to participate with a particular clinician and/or offer your horse for a clinician’s use, print and complete the application and send it to our office (email at . A photo and/or short video is helpful in the evaluation (and required for some clinicians).

Please apply for the session or sessions specifically that interest you. We prefer you select one primary clinician of interest.  Thank you.

Some things you need to know if you are selected to participate:

  • A pass will be given to you for the day(s) you participate.  If the participant is under the age of 18 two passes will be provided.
  • You are required to stall your horse while at the expo.  Because of the limited parking and general congestion and activity and weather concerns we are firm on this.
  • There will be a $65 fee to participate – this covers your stall. (do not send this with your application – it will be due once you are confirmed to participate)  Fee does not apply if you are participating in a breed or stallion demo with the same horse you will use in the clinic.
  • Arrival and departure times are restricted – again primarily due to congestion and parking. Those details and times will be confirmed with you if you are selected.
  • All applicants will be notified of their acceptance status.  We will do our best to have selections confirmed by March 1st.

Please keep in mind the expo is a very different setting from regular horse shows. The environment is more active, the crowds can be unsettling and warm-up time is very limited.  Please keep in mind when applying to participate your horse should be able to be stalled at the minimum for a day and should not only fill the needs outlined below, but be able to handle the environment and not create additional challenges in the clinic because they cannot handle the environment.

Find application here:  Clinic Participation (print to complete and email to with a link to your video)

Needs for Clinic Participants: – coming for 2025